
- +
Cami Hot Starter $30

Cami Calda (20)

Congress buffer stock
Mmalena Antipasto $30

Mmalena (28)

Microcentro buffer stock
Antipasto di Maca $30

ammaccare (20)

downtown buffer stock
Berenice Antipasto $30

Berenice (25)

Palermo buffer stock
Melany Starter $30

Melania (42)

Villa Crespo buffer stock
Gia Starter $30

Gia (35)

Retiro buffer stock
Kimiko Starter $30

Kimiko (48)

Microcentro buffer stock
JazZO Starter $30

Jaz ZO (28)

West Zone buffer stock
Barbara C ZN Antipasto $30

Barbara CZN (40)

carapachay buffer stock
Lolyta caba Antipasto $30

lolyta cabana (23)

San Nicolás buffer stock
Sabrilov Caba Antipasto $30

sabrilov caba (29)

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Troli Caba Antipasto $30

Troli Caba (28)

chas park buffer stock

Escort Initiator

What is the tariff for an initial companion?

The initial accompanies do not have this tariff for our services.

You can find it by entering ArgentinaXP, clicking on our photo and then contacting the number we found in the profile.

If you are kind and write, you only intend to prenotare. Rest assured that with noi you will have fun, just specify the date, the time and the time in which we will not find out.

How much can a beginner accompagnatore get every day?

It depends on several factors.

The accompagnatore has a diverse tariff for the services offered.

Inoltre, we will also depend on the number of clients we serve during the week, at the time we are doing or at least during the pause.

The weekly reddit of the accompagnatore depends on these figures, for this reason it is impossible to stabilise an estimated figure.

How much does a beginner accompagnatore cost for a short service?

It depends on the companion who responds there.

In this way, it will depend directly on the type of event to which we will participate or the data will be included in the session at the end.

The truth is that, apart from these facts, there is no specific import for our services due to any of the gestisce tariffs and diverse services.

What services do you offer a beginner accompaniment?

Other than the various sessual services, the primary escort can be offered to our clients as well as the company's services for various events.

Possono essere events sociali or executive con lieto fine, or simply il sessuale service, we can offer it separately or insieme a seconda di ciò che our client needs.

Will a state escort come to my house?

Saying this alone is not something we do to the first appuntamento.

To take care of this situation, we prefer to see our clients in the best possible way and have a preventive chiacchierata first of entering the room.

Tuttavia, potremmo fare alcune eccezioni per i nostri clients più fidati o di longa data. Everything will depend on the treatment that you will receive during the first application.

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